City of Richmond Hill, Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Network Modellling, Richmond Hill, Ontario. AECOM Project. Responsible for keeping track of schedule and budget and invoicing the client for work completed. Managed project on task level. Provided project direction and oversight to EIT staff to complete the tasks. Liaison with client to understand needs and desires. Maintaining a solid working relationship with the client by promptly replied to emails and answering concerns regarding project status and technical approach. Directing technical questions to technical experts and relaying information back to the client. Completed in 2024.

Lambton Area Water Supply System (LAWSS), EPS Model, Point Edward, Ontario. AECOM Project. Created an EPS model for LAWSS from the existing WaterCAD model to be able to run in Extended Period Simulation. Completed in 2019.

Town of Midland, Waterworks Master Plan, Midland, Ontario. AECOM Project. Developed and evaluated water servicing strategies for the Town. Identified population growth areas using Town of Midland development planning information and Official Plan land use information. Evaluated the existing water infrastructure storage capacity, pump capacity and groundwater supply capacity as well as projected requirements based on anticipated population growth. Completed in 2019.

Town of Peterborough Water Master Plan, Peterborough Utilities Commission (PUC), Peterborough, Ontario. AECOM Project. Developed and evaluated water servicing strategies for the PUC. Identified and evaluated population growth areas using Town of Peterborough development planning information. Evaluated the existing water infrastructure storage capacity, pump capacity and groundwater supply capacity as well as projected requirements based on anticipated population growth. Completed in 2019.

Village of Lions Bay, Water Storage Reservoir Replacement, Village of Lions Bay, British Columbia. AECOM Project. Conducted feasibility study for replacement of existing water storage reservoirs using InfoWater hydraulic model. Developed the Village of Lions Bay Water Conservation Plan Update. Completed in 2018.

City of Toronto Pressure Zone 1, 1W, 2 Model Calibration, City of Toronto. AECOM Project. Performed Macro and Micro-level Calibration using InfoWater Software. Reviewed existing City of Toronto Hydraulic Model for deficiencies and updated based on GIS data. Completed in 2017.

Semiahmoo First Nation, Water and Wastewater Servicing Strategy, Semiahmoo First Nation, British Columbia. AECOM Project. Developed a water and wastewater servicing strategy. Reviewed previous 2008 study and collect design criteria information from City of Surrey, City of White Rock, Master Municipal Construction Document Association and Aboriginal Affairs and Norther Development Canada. Built hydraulic water model using InfoWater modelling suite. Performed hydraulic analyses including Fire Flow Analysis and Maximum Velocity Analysis. Built hydraulic sewer model using PCSWMM modelling suite. Provided schedule D cost estimates for 3 servicing options to the client. Completed in 2017.

Region of Peel Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration, Peel, Ontario. AECOM Project. Led the technical work for updating the current Region of Peel Hydraulic Model. Utilized InfoWater and ArcGIS tools to update the current model based on the GIS data provided by the Region of Peel. Communicated with the Region of Peel regarding acquisition of data required for model update. Coordinated work required to perform model calibration. Completed in 2015.

Region of Peel Modelling Analysis for Block 51-1 and Block 51-2, Peel, Ontario. AECOM Project. Updated existing Region of Peel InfoWater hydraulic model with detailed watermain network in Development Blocks 51-1 and 51-2 based on provided ArcGIS shapefiles. Assigned demand to the new development areas based on expected residential and employment population and land use. Performed hydraulic analysis to determine best servicing strategies for the development in order to meet the Region of Peel Design Criteria for Water Distribution Systems. Completed in 2015.

16th Avenue Watermain Relocation Hydraulic Analysis, City of Markham, Canada. AECOM Project. Conducted hydraulic analysis of a water main relocation under maximum day demand (MDD) and MDD + fire flow scenarios using InfoWater modeling software. Completed in 2014.

City of Markham Hydraulic Model Calibration, Markham, Ontario. Provided technical support in preparing the Flow Balance worksheet. Performed Macro and Micro-level Calibration using InfoWater Software. Reviewed existing City of Markham Hydraulic Model for deficiencies and updated based on GIS data. Prepared a Draft Report with model calibration results for submission to the client. Received Client Satisfaction Score of 9/10 for the project. Completed in 2013.

Hydraulic Modelling Projects