Digital Water Solutions and Water Resource Management Projects

Lambton Area Water Supply System (LAWSS), 20 Year Growth Plan, Point Edward, Ontario. AECOM Project. Provided technical evaluation of water servicing strategies for LAWSS. Coordinated hydraulic modelling assessment of interim servicing strategies and phasing of the required infrastructure. Developed conceptual cost estimates for the preferred servicing alternatives. Completed in 2020.

City of Toronto, Non-Revenue Water and Leak Reduction Strategy, Toronto, Ontario. AECOM Project. Analyzed Pressure District 2 for potential implementation of District Metered Areas. Used InfoWater hydraulic model for PD 1, 1W, 2 to develop scenarios with potential DMAs. Assessed impact of DMA implementation on the water distribution system and provided recommendations for optimization. Performed project management tasks as required. Completed in 2020.

City of Brampton, Downtown Flood Protection Landform Class EA Study, Brampton, Ontario. AECOM Project. Advised the environmental planning team on the existing water, sanitary and storm sewer infrastructure in the City of Brampton downtown core and impacts of potential Flood Protection Landforms on the existing infrastructure. Completed in 2019.

City of Richmond, Horseshoe Slough Sedimentation Investigation, Richmond. AECOM Project. Responsible for day to day schedule, resource allocation and budget management. Led the investigation to identify sources of sediment within the Horseshoe Slough using field investigation and hydraulic modelling techniques and provide recommendations to reduce the impact of sedimentation on the Slough and downstream drainage pump station. Completed in 2018.

Capital Regional District, Inflow and Infiltration Metrics and Methodologies. AECOM Project. Managed a review of industry standards for Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) management methodologies in Canada, USA, and Europe and developed I&I metrics and methodologies that enable productive I&I management process comparison between Canadian municipalities. Completed in 2018.

National Water and Wastewater Benchmarking Initiative, Various Clients. AECOM Project. Facilitated municipalities in benchmarking their water, wastewater and stormwater utilities. Assisted in data collection in order to improve utility performance measures. Managed the Inflow and Infiltration Task Force. Presented and reviewed the results of the benchmarking initiative with the client. Developed working relationships with clients across Canada. Completed in 2018.

GTAA InfoWater Hydraulic Model Development, Pearson International Airport, Ontario. AECOM Project. Used existing GTAA watermain ArcGIS shapefiles to update the Region of Peel Hydraulic Model and assign local demand for the Greater Toronto Airports Authority based on bulk meter billing records Performed a desktop criticality analysis to identify supply redundancy for major facilities within the GTAA water distribution network. Completed in 2014.

City of Markham District Metered Areas (DMA) Feasibility Study. Markham, Ontario. AECOM Project. Performed hydraulic analysis of the City of Markham water distribution system to provide overview of the system and select zones which could serve as a DMA.Provided preliminary design of the DMAs using the latest InfoWater hydraulic model. Developed a phasing plan for DMAs implementation in the City of Markham. Presented the DMA Preliminary Design to the senior staff at the City of Markham. Completed in 2014.

Speightstown Watershed Water Availability Systems Dynamic Model Development. Barbados. Designed and developed a System Dynamics Model for assessment of water availability in Speightstown catchment, Barbados (approx. 31km2). Completed in 2013.